
So goes an old Chinese Proverb...

I don't know what you think about that proverb, but here is something I am fairly sure about...

When we are in a fight, we see how deep our faith runs.

If you think being a Christian means we should never be in a  conflict… then we are in for a shock when the reality of squabbles hits us.  And do you know what happens when it does?

We think everything  has broken down, gone wrong, doesn't work and so we fight the way the rest of the world fights.

The church is not a community without conflict, it's supposed to be a community that does conflict well.

By doing it well, I mean doing it like Jesus did.  There are all sort of squabbles we will get into - when we are in them, do we conduct ourselves in a way that tries stand up for what is right while caring for the person opposing us, even when they don't deserve it?

It is (relatively) easy to bless those who bless us, the distinctive mark of a follower of Jesus is that they also bless those who insult them and do them wrong.

When we are in a fight, we see how deep our faith runs.

Check out the podcast below...